Ratih Fitria Putri

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Disaster Management Data Analysis

The Spatial Planning Document already has information which is related to vulnerable area, including prone area to landslide and tsunami, but this description is not supported by comprehensive data and analysis. The hazard information included in the Spatial Planning Document should have role to reduce disaster risk, as follows:

1. Keeping areas free of development, since Spatial Planning has the instruments at hand to keep free those areas of future development that:
(1) are prone to hazards (e.g. flood-prone areas, avalanche-prone areas),
(2) will be needed to lower the effects of a hazardous event (e.g. retention areas)
(3) will be needed to guarantee the effectiveness of response activities (e.g. escape lanes, gathering points etc.).

2. Differentiated decisions on land-use: spatial planning may also decide on land-use type according to the intensity and frequency of the existing hazard (e.g. agricultural use of a moderately hazardous flood area might be allowed whereas residential use may be forbidden).

3. Recommendations in legally binding land-use or zoning plans. Although recommendations about certain construction requirements belong to the area of building permissions, some recommendations can already be made on the level of land-use or zoning plans (e.g. minimum elevation height of buildings above floor, prohibition of basements, prohibition of oil heating, type of roof).

4. Influence on hazard intensity and frequency (hazard potential) by spatial planning: Spatial planning can also contribute to a reduction of the hazard potential, e.g. protection or extent of river flood retention areas, protective forest etc.

It was shown that hazard information has led to an enhanced understanding of future potential threats to spatial development. The multi-hazard concept is challenging but important, as it is vital for spatial planners to obtain information on all kinds of potentially adverse impacts. The organization of land use and the distribution of spatial functions can definitely support adaptation strategies and lead to a better protection of the living environment. It can support the development of appropriate adaptation strategies. The analysis of the interrelation between environmental catastrophes and regional development will enable to point out the strategies and instruments of spatial planning and land management to support the prevention hazards. Spatial risk assessment framework can help improve adaptation planning through providing relevant information to underpin the development of adaptation strategies related to land-use and spatial planning.

By: Ratih Fitria Putri (Double Degree Master Programe MPPDAS UGM - Chiba University Japan)

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