Coastal Management??
Coastal management initiatives are usually a response to a demand to resolve problems such as conflicting uses of coastal resources, urbanization, access, pollution and environmental degradation. Problems may also be related to poor connection or inefficient coordination between those responsible for making decisions on the allocation of coastal resources; or they may even be a perception among decision-makers that a problem does not exist. A sound understanding of such issues is integral to planning an effective approach to coastal management. It is important that issues be addressed in a coordinated and integrated framework – a feature of good coastal planning. Such a framework ensures that individual issues are recognized, yet enables solutions to be developed that cut across as many issues as possible while avoiding the creation future issues.
RPJM of Bantul Regency
If we see the document of RPJM Bantul Regency we will find a series data that used to be analyzed before some products of planning were resulted. The data that are required in producing RPJM such as Social and Economic data, Demographic data (structure, growth, distribution and trend), Potency of Natural resources (land and its potency, ownership, and its distribution), Forest status, distribution and its potency), Mining (rights, potency and distribution) as well as water resources including (rights, potency and its distribution). Some of the coastal information is available such as the land use and potential tourism area. But there still some lack information which is important for conservation. The information for resident wood need for living in the area not mentioned, thus information can be used for planning allowed wood cutting in the area to maintain the standing stock of plantation for conservation purposes. Beside of the excess, this document still needed better analysis in this several sector :
1. Disaster management data analysis
2. Remote Sensing Application Data Analysis for Coastal area.
The other data are artificial resources such as transportation infrastructure, telecommunication, electricity and power plant, urban utility, as well as clean water. In addition data-data about earth surface condition such as morphology, geology and climate condition. To make comprehensive data-data of previous planning document were also considered. Generally, this document covers all sector, also the RPJM is suitable with higher level (RPJP). There are integrated development explain in document, both marine and land development plan.
Base on these document plan, we can learn about what is a planning, as follow : style of planning, process of planning, product of planning, and actor who involve on planning process, data and information, analysis,and quality of project plan. The term of planning is so many, Diana Conyers & Peter Hills (1984) says, planning is a continues process which involves decisions, or choices, about alternative ways of using available resources, with the aims of achieving particular goals at some time in the future, and Dror (1973) talk about planning is the process of preparing a set of decisions for action in the future, directed at achieving goals by preferable means. Planning have four element: making decisions, allocating resources, achieving goals, and for the future.
Created by: Ratih Fitria Putri (Double Degree Master Program MPPDAS GMU - Remote Sensing Chiba University Japan)
Coastal management initiatives are usually a response to a demand to resolve problems such as conflicting uses of coastal resources, urbanization, access, pollution and environmental degradation. Problems may also be related to poor connection or inefficient coordination between those responsible for making decisions on the allocation of coastal resources; or they may even be a perception among decision-makers that a problem does not exist. A sound understanding of such issues is integral to planning an effective approach to coastal management. It is important that issues be addressed in a coordinated and integrated framework – a feature of good coastal planning. Such a framework ensures that individual issues are recognized, yet enables solutions to be developed that cut across as many issues as possible while avoiding the creation future issues.
RPJM of Bantul Regency
If we see the document of RPJM Bantul Regency we will find a series data that used to be analyzed before some products of planning were resulted. The data that are required in producing RPJM such as Social and Economic data, Demographic data (structure, growth, distribution and trend), Potency of Natural resources (land and its potency, ownership, and its distribution), Forest status, distribution and its potency), Mining (rights, potency and distribution) as well as water resources including (rights, potency and its distribution). Some of the coastal information is available such as the land use and potential tourism area. But there still some lack information which is important for conservation. The information for resident wood need for living in the area not mentioned, thus information can be used for planning allowed wood cutting in the area to maintain the standing stock of plantation for conservation purposes. Beside of the excess, this document still needed better analysis in this several sector :
1. Disaster management data analysis
2. Remote Sensing Application Data Analysis for Coastal area.
The other data are artificial resources such as transportation infrastructure, telecommunication, electricity and power plant, urban utility, as well as clean water. In addition data-data about earth surface condition such as morphology, geology and climate condition. To make comprehensive data-data of previous planning document were also considered. Generally, this document covers all sector, also the RPJM is suitable with higher level (RPJP). There are integrated development explain in document, both marine and land development plan.
Base on these document plan, we can learn about what is a planning, as follow : style of planning, process of planning, product of planning, and actor who involve on planning process, data and information, analysis,and quality of project plan. The term of planning is so many, Diana Conyers & Peter Hills (1984) says, planning is a continues process which involves decisions, or choices, about alternative ways of using available resources, with the aims of achieving particular goals at some time in the future, and Dror (1973) talk about planning is the process of preparing a set of decisions for action in the future, directed at achieving goals by preferable means. Planning have four element: making decisions, allocating resources, achieving goals, and for the future.
Created by: Ratih Fitria Putri (Double Degree Master Program MPPDAS GMU - Remote Sensing Chiba University Japan)
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